HORARIOS DE ATENCIÓN : Monday to Sunday - 6:00am to 8:00pm  
  CITAS EN EL : +57 604 444 - 2006            

Patient safety policy

Patient Safety

Patient Safety involves all actions carried out within the Mandatory Quality Assurance System to protect patients from healthcare-associated risks. Patient safety issues are inherent in medical practice, and we do everything we can to minimize and prevent them.

  1. Clínica del Campestre is committed to providing safe and reliable care, aligned with the quality parameters established at the national and institutional levels.
  2. Patient and family care processes focus on achieving results that have a positive impact on their health status.
  3. We are an institution committed to health and the environment, with a motto of clean and safe work.
  4. We promote the rational use of water, energy, and other resources to minimize waste.
  5. We foster a culture of self-control to reduce the risk of incidents and adverse events in the provision of healthcare services.
  6. We work from the induction and training stages of all personnel entering the institution to identify the risks involved in their daily activities.
  7. Identified risks should lead to causal analysis, preventive and/or corrective actions with follow-up and measurements over time.
  8. All personnel must commit to adopting behaviors that prevent errors.
  9. We are dedicated to controlling factors such as lighting, ventilation, noise, cleanliness in work areas, and patient and family care.
  10. Our commitment to safety also includes purchasing supplies that meet quality standards and requirements.
  11. Guidelines and protocols that promote the safe development of different care processes have been defined, disseminated, and implemented.
  12. We are concerned with evaluating and investigating the causes of errors and implementing preventive measures.
  13. We promote training and recreational spaces for all personnel to improve competencies, performance, and organizational climate.
  14. We are working on an electronic medical record system to ensure clear, accurate, and timely documentation of medical acts and reduce errors due to interpretation.
  15. Every medical order must be documented in the medical record. We are working towards the development and implementation of an effective medication error reporting system.
  16. In our organization, voluntary error reporting is encouraged.
  17. We aim to foster attitudes that reflect a culture of safety rather than fear.
  18. We work towards simplifying processes to reduce the likelihood of errors.
  19. We respect the patient’s and their family’s right to clear, complete, and timely information.
  20. Healthcare personnel provide education to patients and their families to actively participate in the decision-making process and self-care.
  21. Clínica del Campestre is committed to promoting and implementing a culture that upholds the duties and rights of patients and their families.