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Orthopedics Specialist / Shoulder and Elbow Subspecialty

Dr. Jaramillo has been working at the Campestre Clinic since early 2007. He also works at the Pablo Tobón Uribe Hospital since 1995, where he served as Head of the Orthopedics Department from 2004 to 2011.

After completing his studies in Orthopedics and Traumatology at Pontifical Bolivarian University, he underwent shoulder surgery training at the University of Texas in San Antonio in 1994, under the guidance of Dr. Charles Rockwood Jr., one of the most renowned shoulder surgeons in the world.

Upon returning to Medellín in 1995, he joined the Orthopedics team at Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe, focusing his interest on shoulder and elbow problems. His practice and surgical procedures are primarily dedicated to this area of the body.

He has visited various medical centers in the United States, such as the Mississippi Sports Medicine and Orthopedic Center in Jackson, Mississippi (November 2001), where he trained with Dr. Felix Savoie, a globally recognized arthroscopist. He also visited the Cleveland Clinic (March 2008) and trained with Dr. Joshep Iannotti, the Chief of the Orthopedics Department and the Shoulder Clinic at that institution. In November 2010, he completed an internship with Dr. Burkhard in San Antonio, Texas.

In the field of education, Dr. Jaramillo is a professor for undergraduate students at Pontifical Bolivarian University and CES University. He currently teaches postgraduate courses in the shoulder and elbow module of the Orthopedics and Traumatology program at Pontifical Bolivarian University, involving clinical assistance, specialized surgeries, and academic activities.

He is a founding member of the Shoulder and Elbow Chapter of the Colombian Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology (SCCOT) and has served on the chapter’s board for several terms. He was a board member from 2011 to 2011. Since 1995, when he participated in the Latin American Congress of Orthopedics, Dr. Jaramillo has been an active speaker at various regional, national, and international courses and conferences, including those in Buenos Aires, Lima, Miami, Madrid, São Paulo, and Santiago de los Caballeros.

It is common for orthopedic surgeons who come to learn his surgical techniques to visit his practice and observe his surgeries. His scientific activities have allowed him to publish research papers in specialized journals. He also participates in conferences in North America and Europe.

Professional Memberships:

  • Member of the Antioquia Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology.
  • Full member of the Colombian Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology.
  • Member of the Shoulder and Elbow Chapter of SCCOT.
  • Member of the Latin American Society of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery.


  • “Orthopedics and Traumatology. Fundamentals of Surgery.” Editor and author of 3 chapters: Shoulder Orthopedics, Elbow Orthopedics, and Upper Limb Trauma. Medellín. CIB Publishing. 2002.
  • Jaramillo, Juan Carlos. “Shoulder and Elbow Surgery.” In: Rheumatoid Arthritis by Ramírez and Anaya. Colombian Association of Rheumatology. Bogotá, Edimeco. 2004.
  • Jaramillo, Juan Carlos. “Shoulder Pain.” In: Rheumatology by Molina, J, et al. Medellín. CIB Publishing. 2005.
  • Jaramillo, Juan Carlos. “Painful Shoulder.” In: Ibero-American Rheumatology Textbook by Molina, J, and D Alarcón. Mexico. 2007.
  • Llano JF et al. “Effect of the Acromial Index on Rotator Cuff Tears.” Colombian Journal of Orthopedics Vol. 21, No. 2, June 2007.
  • Fernández, F et al. “Effect of Glenoid Version and Inclination on Rotator Cuff Tear Patterns.” Colombian Journal of Orthopedics Vol. 22, No. 1, March 2008.
  • Arismendi et al. “Evaluation of Healing in the First Episode of Traumatic Anterior Shoulder Dislocation using Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients Treated with External Rotation Immobilization: Report of Two Cases.” Colombian Journal of Orthopedics Vol. 22, No. 2, June 2008.
  • Jaramillo, JC et al. “Clinical and Radiological Study of Reverse Prostheses in Medellín: Preliminary Report.” Colombian Journal of Orthopedics Vol. 23, 2009. Accepted for publication.
  • Arismendi, A et al. “Clinical and Radiological Results in Displaced Clavicle Fractures with Surgical Treatment: A Prospective Study.” Submitted to Injury for publication, 2009.
  • Jaramillo JC. “Acromioclavicular Dislocation: Update on Shoulder and Elbow Pathology.” Colombian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology, 2011.
  • “Partial Rotator Cuff Tears: Articular, Bursal, and Intrasubstance. Management in the General Population, Athletes, and Workers Performing High Physical Effort. Repair Techniques.” Colombian Journal of Orthopedics and Traumatology, 2016.



Dr. Sarassa is the founder of Clínica del Campestre in 2006. He is an orthopedic surgeon and traumatologist from Pontificia Bolivariana University. He received his training in Pediatric Orthopedics at the Alfred I DuPont Institute in Willmington, Delaware, USA in 1996, and Pediatric Orthopedics, Pediatric Trauma, and Hip Preservation Surgery at the University Hospital of Bern in 2004.


Dr. Miguel Alejandro Gómez Trillos is a Medical Doctor and Surgeon from CES University, having graduated in 2007. He completed his specialization in Orthopedics and Traumatology at the Pontifical Bolivarian University in 2012.