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Orthopedics Specialist / Pediatric Orthopedics Subspecialty

Dr. Sarassa is the founder of Clínica del Campestre in 2006. He is an orthopedic surgeon and traumatologist from Pontificia Bolivariana University. He received his training in Pediatric Orthopedics at the Alfred I DuPont Institute in Willmington, Delaware, USA in 1996, and Pediatric Orthopedics, Pediatric Trauma, and Hip Preservation Surgery at the University Hospital of Bern in 2004.

His professional experience began in 1989 as a professor in the Orthopedics program at the Institute of Health Sciences (CES) for 17 years, based at the General Hospital of Medellin. During the last 12 years, he served as the program coordinator and concurrently as a professor in the Orthopedics and Traumatology specialty at Pontificia Bolivariana University, holding the position of Full Professor. Currently, he is the Coordinator of the Pediatric Orthopedics specialty at the same university.

He is a national and international lecturer and has presented research papers at national conferences and published in scientific journals in the field. He currently works at the Campestre Clinic, Santa Ana Children’s Hospital- Noel Clinic alliance, and CORA Group (Center of Excellence in Reconstructive Orthopedics and Limb Lengthening), specializing in Pediatric Orthopedics, Pediatric Traumatology, and hip pathologies in adolescents and young adults, with an emphasis on hip preservation procedures, hip dysplasia, hip dysplasia sequelae, Perthes disease, arthritic and non-arthritic hip joint problems, and others.

Professional Memberships:

  • Member of the Antioquia Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology.
  • Full Member of the Colombian Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology.
  • Member of the Colombian Society of Pediatric Orthopedics.
  • President of the Colombian Society of Pediatric Orthopedics in 2011-2013.
  • Member of the Latin American Society of Pediatric Orthopedics.
  • International Member of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
  • Member of AO Trauma Pediatrics. • International Faculty (Professor) of the AO Foundation.
  • Member of the Venezuelan Society of Orthopedics.


  • Developmental Hip Dysplasia. Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guidelines. ISS-Ascofame Project. 1997.
  • Orthopedics and Traumatology. Fundamentals of Medicine. 1st Edition. Corporación para Investigaciones Biológicas. Medellín. 2002. Co-author of the chapter on Pediatric Orthopedics. pp 136-155.
  • Felipe García Quiroz, Olga M. Posada Estefan, Daniel Gallego Pérez, Natalia Higuita Castro, Carlos A. Sarassa Velásquez, Derek J. Hansford, Piedad Agudelo Florez, Luis E. López Rojas. Isolation of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells and evaluation of their osteogenic potential. Revista Ingeniería Biomédica. Volume 2, Number 3, January-June 2008, pp. 48-55. Escuela de Ingeniería de Antioquia–Universidad CES, Medellín, Colombia.
  • Sarassa, C, et al. Early clinical and radiological outcomes after double osteotomy in patients with late presentation Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease. Journal of Children’s Orthopaedics: Volume 2, Issue 6 (2008), 425-429.
  • Arismendi Montoya A, Sarassa Velásquez C. Fractura del tercio lateral de la clavícula en pacientes adolescentes: Reporte de caso. Rev Col Or Tra 2009; 23(4): 229-33.
  • Felipe Garcia Quiroz, Olga M. Posada, Daniel Gallego-Perez, Natalia Higuita-Castro, Carlos Sarassa, Derek J. Hansford, Piedad Agudelo-Florez, Luis E. Lopez. Housekeeping gene stability influences the quantification of osteogenic markers during stem cell differentiation to the osteogenic lineage. Cytotechnology. DOI 10.1007/s10616-010-9265-1, April 2010.
  • Sarassa C, Herrera AM. Gómez M, Londoño D. Surgical Hip Dislocation Technique for Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis: Immediate Postoperative Radiological Result. Rev Col Or Tra 2010, 24(2): 106-111. • Álvarez A, Aristizábal S, Chaparo L, Ramírez L, Sarassa C. Congenital Indifference to Pain. Rev. Col. Anest. November 2010 – January 2011. Vol. 38 – No. 4: 528-535.
  • Update on Pediatric Orthopedic Pathology. Colombian Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology. Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis. pp 39-44. 2011.

Original Works (Unpublished):

  • Transpedicular Internal Fixation in Lumbosacral Fusion. Treatment alternative using AO-ASIF DCP plates and 4.5 mm cortical screws. Pontificia Bolivariana University. Pablo Tobón Uribe Hospital. 1989.
  • Results of Varus Femoral Osteotomies for Severe Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease. H.G.M. 1989-1994. Institute of Health Sciences. CES. 1994.
  • Evaluation of the Results of the Clubfoot Equinovarus Adductus Program at the General Hospital of Medellin between 1982-1993. Institute of Health Sciences. CES. 1995.
  • Total Hip Arthroplasty. Experience at the General Hospital of Medellin from its inception until 1996. Institute of Health Sciences. CES. 1996.
  • Surgical Revision of Congenital Idiopathic Clubfoot Equinovarus Adductus. General Hospital of Medellin. 1998.
  • Surgical Treatment of Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis using the Surgical Hip Dislocation Technique. Case Report. Gómez MA, Mariaca CJ, Londoño D, Herrera AM, Sarassa CA. Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Health Sciences CES. 2007.
  • Papers presented at national conferences:
  • Incomplete Dega Transiliac Osteotomy in Congenital Hip Dislocation. Experience at the General Hospital of Medellin. Institute of Health Sciences. CES. 2000.
  • Triple Steel Osteotomy. Experience at the General Hospital of Medellin. Institute of Health Sciences. CES. 2000.
  • Surgical Treatment of Diaphyseal Femoral Fractures in Children. Experience with TEN. General Hospital of Medellin. Institute of Health Sciences. CES. 2004.

Dr. Juan Felipe Fernández Lopera is a Medical Doctor, Surgeon, Orthopedist, and Traumatologist from the Pontifical Bolivarian University. In 2015, he obtained the title of Knee Surgeon (arthroscopy and joint replacements) at the Santa Fe Foundation University Hospital in Bogotá.


Dr. Fernando Coutin is a Medical Doctor and Surgeon from the Pontifical Bolivarian University, Orthopedic and Traumatologist from that same university. He is also a Subspecialist graduate of the Pontifical Bolivarian University Advanced Hip Surgery and Joint Replacements Fellowship.